Wednesday, 31 October 2012

The early days - Masons and pubs

Two lots coming at a Bonhams sale trace Freemasonry back to its earlier days when lodges met in pubs and took their names from them.

The first (pictured above) is a pint mug dating from 1750 and engraved: "David Fraser at ye Dundee Arms Plough Ally Wapping." - the name of a London hostelry.

Inside it is engraved "WYNN" - probably John Wynn (1740-1778).

As the footnote in the catalogue says: "The Dundee Arms in Wapping - the latter a centre for ship-building and the victualling and supplying of ships - was used between 1747 and 1763 as a meeting place for the Masonic Lodge which came to be known as the Old Dundee Lodge."

It is estimated to sell for £300 when it goes under the hammer in Chester on November 22.

At the same sale are these three mugs: two pre-industrial pint mugs and a half pint mug dating from about 1750.

One of the pint mugs is engraved "J King, Blacksmith arms."

As the footnote adds: "The Blacksmith's Arms was the meeting place in 1795 for the Masonic Oak Lodge."

The mugs are expected to sell for £120.

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